November 2018


It was a beautiful, clear morning with a touch of frost, the first since last winter. It soon burnt off in the sunshine as I started my morning walk, creating atmospheric clouds of steam rising from the ground. There was such a beautiful light which was low and golden, forming a lovely contrast between the shadows and the sunlight.

I walked along the path from Heston to the gatehouse, then up the higher path, through the trees then back down to the house.
I paused to sketch the stunning light and shade through the trees in the wood. The colours were, once again, beautiful. We really have had the most wonderful Autumn this year! 

The morning started off clear and very cold. The first sign of the winter to come. I was very relieved to have my hand-warmers tucked into my gloves!

I walked along Degibna Lane as far as the Carmino Creek then walked back along the side of Loe Pool. The colours of the fallen leaves were soft, muted golds, oranges and earthy browns.. I love the twisty, gnarly tree branches which have now appeared. I always feel like I can get to know the character of the trees by seeing their lichen covered, textured trunks and their twisted branches!

As I'm nearing the end of my Penrose project, I shall be interested to see how winter takes over fro Autumn as we go full circle....