August 2018


After a long spell of very hot weather, today had a somewhat fresher feel with a cool breeze blowing off the sea. I set off quite early in the morning and headed on the inland path to Porthleven and back. The air was fresh and the views towards Newlyn were very very clear.

​The prolonged dry period had left the grass the brownest I have ever seen it! No doubt nature will redress the balance soon and I'm sure it'll be back to green before too long. There were some lovely rolling clouds and I even felt a sprinkle of rain whilst I was sketching!

I did notice the very first signs of an early Autumn brought on by the dry weather. We shall see if it progresses or if we get rain which slows it down again.

One good thing about the dry weather is that the cliff-top path which is being re-routed after the cliff falls over the winter, will be ready sooner than expected. The National Trust at Penrose are hoping to have it finished by the end of the month. It will be wonderful to walk the path soon...


I went for a quick morning walk around the Degibna side of Penrose today. Signs of Autumn were everywhere, from the blackberries in the hedgerows to the harvested fields. The birds were loving all the insects and berries and seemed to be having a wonderful time! The air was beautifully clear and the far reaching views across to Loe Pool were breathtaking.

Very excited that the cliff path to Porthleven will be open by the next time I visit in September...